
View Full Membership Directory

The Geriatric Assistance Information Network of Harford County (G. A. I. N.) strives to connect local business, professions, government agencies, other professionals, and community members who support local seniors, families and caregivers.


An annual Corporate/Business membership includes:

  • Listing on the G.A.I.N. website (including a link to a company website)
  • Monthly Membership meetings (September-June) with opportunity for networking, professional development, information sharing
  • Discount on exhibitor fees for G.A.I.N. annual community conference
  • Opportunity for social media spotlight

The cost of the memberships is $125 for corporate / business members. Up to three employees of member companies are invited to our monthly meetings. Meetings are a great opportunity to network with other local  professionals, companies and government agencies servicing the senior community.

NOTE: Prospective members are invited to attend a maximum of TWO meetings as a guest.

Dues Disclaimer:  GAIN is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Your dues may be deductible as a business expense or charitable donation. However, you should consult with your accountant or CPA.